Sunday, April 15, 2012

It Happens In A Blink

Week:  Last One!
Mission:  Complicated

     1.  During this project...
            I was a little worried when I quit on my first attempted book, but I recovered quickly.  While reading a majority of the books, I was so captivated that I couldn't put them down.  My least interesting book was Into the Wild, and my most interesting was The Case for Christ.  The most disappointing books were Catch-22 and The Namesake, basically for the same reason.  Bow's Boy was just plain terrible with one spark of life, the discussion of the Vietnam War.  Overall, this was a very successful undertaking.
     2.  In the future...
           I think that I will continue reading, even though I doubt it will be at the same pace.  I love a good book, but I also have a life.  My next challenge, after completing The Damascus Way, will be Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.
     3.  My Accomplishments...
             The books I'm most proud of reading are Gone With the Wind and The Case for A Creator.  The first is an American classic; the second is highly scientific.

                                                              Books Read
Cosbyology, The Firm, Gone With the Wind, Torn, Bow's Boy, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, The Case for Christ, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, Tuesdays With Morrie, The Case for a Creator, Dog on It, The Centurion's Wife, Into the Wild, Thereby Hangs A Tail, To Catch a Thief, Fatherhood, The Namesake 

Time This Week:  0 hrs
Total Time:  107 hrs
Books Read:  18

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

When I Was Younger...So Much Younger Than Today

Week:  13
Mission:  Describe Reading Habits

     In gradeschool, I read a lot because I couldn't watch TV unless I visited my grandparents' house.  I mostly read fictional books, but was willing to read just about anything that sounded interesting.  When I came to WLA, I basically quit reading independently  (with the exception of Sports Illustrated).  This project has reminded me why I love reading so much.  I can't hear anything around me.  The world around me freezes while I am in another time, another place, another life.  Without professional help, I will probably continue reading because of this project.
      I began reading more books intended for adults, such as Gone With the Wind.  I started challenging myself and reading for both information and cultural enrichment.  I also read books just for fun, like all the Spencer Quinn novels and the Janette Oke/Davis Bunn books that I am currently reading.

Hours:  7
Total Time:  107 hrs
Books Read:18

Monday, April 2, 2012

You Ain't-a Nothin' But a Hound Dog

Week: 12
Mission:  Make 2 Inferences  
Book:  To Fetch a Thief
Author:  Spencer Quinn
     I read both Bill Cosby's Fatherhood and Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake this week; however, these books aren't very much fun to make inferences about.  I shall instead illuminate the inner workings of Spencer Quinn's devious mind in regard to a book devoid of literary value.

     Inference #1
     What I Just Learned:  Bernie went to Leda's house, and she mentioned in conversation that if she marries Malcolm, Bernie will be off the hook for alimony payments.
     What I Know Already:  Bernie is an honest man, loves his son Charlie, and wants what is best for him.  He has cash flow problems, but also knows that Malcolm is cheating on Leda.
      Conclusion:  He intended to warn Leda about Malcolm, but he doesn't want to spoil her happiness or be seen as a jealous liar.  The money solution is the straw that broke the camel's back, and he can't bring himself to break the news.
Inference #2
I found a dog to cast as Chet.
     What I Just Learned:  The missing animal trainer, Uri DeLeath, was killed in the desert by a puff adder smuggled into the country illegally.  His elephant, Peanut, is still missing.  Colonel Drummond, the circus owner, has money despite the fact that he admitted his circus is partly owned by banks.
     What I Know Already:  Elephants are expensive to feed, and cost the circus money.  Uri would not have left the circus under the influence of animal rights activists, but a note he wrote explains that this is his motivation for stealing Peanut.  Illegal animal trafficking is a big business, and Mexico has problems with this.
     Conclusion:  Colonel Drummond is involved in a scheme to kidnap Peanut.

Hours:  12
Total Hours:  100
Total Books:17