Monday, July 16, 2012

I Am Sixteen...

Book:  The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel
Author:  C.F.W. Walther
Lecture:  16

While finding a picture, I noticed
the dove...
Intro:  Dr. Walther described the difference between Reformed and Lutheran views concerning God's Word, Baptism, the Lord's Supper, and absolution.  In general, the Reformed churches believe that these things have no power, while Lutherans believe that God works through them, just as he promises in the Bible.
Summary/Highlights:  The teachings of Zwingli, a Reformed teacher, are as follows:  The Holy Spirit moves like the wind, without the Word or Sacraments.  Before the Sacraments, we need to be prepared to receive them; this is done by the Holy Spirit.  He can't come in the Sacrament because he's already there.  The Sacraments are merely public evidence of this inner grace.  When the Word is preached, it can't be a vehicle of the Holy Spirit because some don't have faith after hearing the Word.  When preachers go out, it is because God wants to reveal himself to the elect.
     Lutheran View:  God chooses to deal with us through the Word and Sacraments.  As Romans 10:17 states, "faith comes from hearing the message," not by the Holy Spirit acting as a free agent.  The Word brings justification ("to declare not guilty"), as it says in Romans 1:16, "The the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes."
  • The Sacraments are the visible Word, so anything predicated of the Word is predicated of the Sacraments (predicate-verb-to affirm as a quality or attribute). 
  •  "The Word of God, the Gospel, is only audible, but the sacraments are also visible, for they are acts attached to objects of sense."  
  • Through the Sacraments our faith is "raised up and strengthened" by the Holy Spirit.  It is important to note that the action is not what saves us, but the Holy Spirit working through the Word and Sacraments.
  • If the Sacraments were only a visible show there would be no grace; they would be empty.  
  • Preaching Christ but denying the Word and Sacraments is like talking about a treasure that you have hidden along with the key.  These preachers show Christ but hide the path to him.  
 Continuing our game of eye-spy,
note the Bible.

Quick Summary:  God uses his Word and Sacraments to give and strengthen faith.
Lightbulb Moment:  "This is my body, which is given for you...this cup is the new testament in My blood, which is shed for you."  Christ's body and blood are more than one man's physical body.  They are forgiveness and redemption for us.
For Further Thought:  "The spirit is not obtained except by simple trust in God's Word.  Even when void of any feeling, the person who declares: 'God has said so, therefore I shall believe it,' will find that the Holy Spirit has entered his heart, filling it with his peace and joy."
Additional References:  Galatians 3:27, Titus 3:5-7, 1 Corinthians 10:16

Friday, July 13, 2012

Bring Me To My Knees

     Too often, we forget the full meaning of words, and I wanted to save this beautiful reminder of what repentance really is:
     "Repentance involves a change of mind and heart and a change of direction in daily behavior and life.  The full definition of repentance includes recognizing your sin as disobedience to God's commandments, feeling truly sorry for your sin, having the sincere desire to amend your sinful ways, and trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ alone for forgiveness and salvation.  Repentance is not a one-time act...Martin Luther declared that the entire life of a Christian is to be characterized by repentance.  In his Small Catechism, Luther tells us that our baptism should remind us to drown our old Adam by daily contrition and repentance.  There is no such thing as an impenitent Christian, and it is not possible to repent of only some sins.  Repentance includes all our sins, even those of which we may not be aware, and Jesus' forgiveness is also total.  When he forgives us, all is forgiven.  Anything less would be of no value, for the guilt of a single sin would condemn the sinner to eternal torment in hell."
                         --The People's Bible

     This commentary is based upon Matthew 3, in which John the Baptist calls the people of Israel to repent and prepare for the coming of the Messiah.  I remember a chapel in which the speaker, I believe Mr. Springborn, asked us to consider the things in our lives that needed to be made ready for the coming of the Savior.  Did we have heights of pride, or lows of depression*?  This message is not just for the Advent season.  We are constantly in need of preparation, not only for the second coming of Christ, but for the daily battle we face against the devil and our own sinful nature.  What is in my life that I need to pray for help preparing?

     *As clarification, I believe depression here is the depression found in everyone's life, such as the guilt over sin that can be calmed by the reading of the Word and knowledge of Christ's full forgiveness.  Fits rather nicely with the general topic, no?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Boys Are Back For a Second Act!

Book:  The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel
Author:  Dr. C.F.W. Walther
Lecture:  15
Disclaimer:  I do not pretend to be a theological expert, so I may interpret things incorrectly.  This blog is merely a tool for me to further explore and remember what I have read.  Do not read my words to learn about Christian doctrine; read Walther's words and compare your thoughts to mine.  In addition, I am using the Dau translation, which, as I understand it, is not 100%  true to the original.  Despite this, it still contains excellent material and is beneficial for Christian education.

Context:  This lecture continues to expand on the thoughts of the 14th lecture concerning Thesis IX, which states that it is wrong to direct sinners "struck down" by the law to keep praying and struggling until they feel God's grace; they should instead be directed to the Word and Sacraments.  Lecture 14 described the proper method of direction, citing examples from the apostles' work:  Peter at Pentecost, the Philippian jailer's conversion, and Saul's conversion.  Lecture 15 describes incorrect ways of dividing law and gospel concerning grace.
Brief Summary of 14 & 15:  What must I do to be saved?  Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, NOT follow Fresenius's Steps 1,2, and 3.  (See Below)  

Highlights of 15:
     Intro:  The "Doctrine of Doubt," that no person can be sure of heaven, forgiveness, or their relationship with God while on earth, is false.  See Hebrews 11:1, John 10:27,28, John 4:14 ("never"), Matthew 11:28.
     Body:  Fresenius believes in two types of grace, which I call "awakening grace" and "real grace."  Awakening grace (he calls it prevenient, or quickening grace) comes in the heart of an unbeliever and makes them able to pray for "real grace."  Real grace is the grace experienced by Christians.  He said that Christians must strive for grace to be converted by following three steps:
                          1)  Constant prayer and struggling until they feel grace.
                          2)  Be watchful and don't lose the awakening grace and parts of real grace that you              
                            gradually receive.
                          3)  Meditate on God's Word.
     One of Fresenius's problems is that he believes that spiritual resurrection and conversion take place at different times.  In truth, everyone who is spiritually alive has been converted.  Conversion is being made spiritually alive.  To quote a teacher, "Dead people can't do anything.  Why?  'Cause they're DEAD."  While spiritually dead, we don't care about God's Word or grace.  Fresenius says that converting grace causes "a mysterious sighing for grace;" Walther identifies this as the first spark of faith.
     Prayer, alertness, and learning God's Word are marks of a Christian's life, but are not steps in the conversion process.  These steps are incorrect because they are prescribed to a person who believes they are an unbeliever, and thus they become a way of earning God's love.
     My Lightbulb Moment:  God does not give grace in pieces.  It is entire or non-existent; you are a citizen of Christ's kingdom or a prisoner of the devil.  There is no middle ground. 

Application:  Fresenius describes watchfulness as a habit that becomes so second-nature that the person can't imagine life without it.  This watchfulness is an awareness of Christ's sacrifice and how it should affect our actions.  We look out for temptations, but we also watch for opportunities to put faith into practice.  Yes, we will fail in this watchfulness, but we then repent and run to Jesus.  I want to live like that.