Book: The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel
Lecture: 19
This will be a rather reactionary summary. I read this lecture straight through, taking only two notes, and I think I got more out of it. One of my notes: Properly speaking, grace is never in man's, but in God's heart.
The lecture begins by stating the place of conversion in a Christian's life. Walther then goes on to discourse on the place of feelings in a Christian's life. At first, I thought the topic was way beyond me, since I thought he was contradicting the belief that salvation relies on God, who is outside of us, and not on our emotions. I thought he was saying that to be a Christian, you had to be able to feel God in your heart. As I read further, I began to understand that feelings are something that will naturally come with faith. My first turning point was where Walther states, "First a person must believe; after that he may feel. Feeling proceeds from faith, not faith from feeling."
Walther finishes the lecture by describing what faith is, using Hebrews 11:1 and the example of the lepers who begged Jesus for help. He explains that if faith is a "firm, reliant confidence, not doubting, not wavering," faith cannot be based on feelings. He then uses the story of Mary and Joseph searching for Jesus while he was at the temple to show that if we look to earthly things for help and comfort, like friends or our own ideas and feelings, we will not find Christ; he is only found with His Father and His Father's Word.
Incidentally, my lightbulb moment is also my first copy and paste text, from a lovely little website called I was ecstatic when I found it, not to mention discovering that Walther's Law and Gospel is public domain.
My Lightbulb Moment: "Some have been highly favored in being led an easy way by God, always enjoying a beautiful, pleasant feeling and never being in need of strong wrestling. For persons who always find their experiences in harmony with the Word of God need not struggle for that harmony. Others, however, are nearly always led by God through darkness, great anguish, grievous doubts, and diverse afflictions. In the latter case we must be careful to distinguish between one who is dead and one who is afflicted. The distinction is not difficult. If I am worried about my lack of the feeling of grace for which I am earnestly longing, that is proof that I am a true Christian. For one who desires to believe is already a believer. For how could a person possibly desire to believe something which he regards untrue? No man desires to be deceived. As soon as I want to believe something, I am secretly believing it. This is a point for pastors to note when they are dealing with individual souls."
Lecture: 19
This will be a rather reactionary summary. I read this lecture straight through, taking only two notes, and I think I got more out of it. One of my notes: Properly speaking, grace is never in man's, but in God's heart.
The lecture begins by stating the place of conversion in a Christian's life. Walther then goes on to discourse on the place of feelings in a Christian's life. At first, I thought the topic was way beyond me, since I thought he was contradicting the belief that salvation relies on God, who is outside of us, and not on our emotions. I thought he was saying that to be a Christian, you had to be able to feel God in your heart. As I read further, I began to understand that feelings are something that will naturally come with faith. My first turning point was where Walther states, "First a person must believe; after that he may feel. Feeling proceeds from faith, not faith from feeling."
Walther finishes the lecture by describing what faith is, using Hebrews 11:1 and the example of the lepers who begged Jesus for help. He explains that if faith is a "firm, reliant confidence, not doubting, not wavering," faith cannot be based on feelings. He then uses the story of Mary and Joseph searching for Jesus while he was at the temple to show that if we look to earthly things for help and comfort, like friends or our own ideas and feelings, we will not find Christ; he is only found with His Father and His Father's Word.
Incidentally, my lightbulb moment is also my first copy and paste text, from a lovely little website called I was ecstatic when I found it, not to mention discovering that Walther's Law and Gospel is public domain.
My Lightbulb Moment: "Some have been highly favored in being led an easy way by God, always enjoying a beautiful, pleasant feeling and never being in need of strong wrestling. For persons who always find their experiences in harmony with the Word of God need not struggle for that harmony. Others, however, are nearly always led by God through darkness, great anguish, grievous doubts, and diverse afflictions. In the latter case we must be careful to distinguish between one who is dead and one who is afflicted. The distinction is not difficult. If I am worried about my lack of the feeling of grace for which I am earnestly longing, that is proof that I am a true Christian. For one who desires to believe is already a believer. For how could a person possibly desire to believe something which he regards untrue? No man desires to be deceived. As soon as I want to believe something, I am secretly believing it. This is a point for pastors to note when they are dealing with individual souls."