Week: 5
Mission: 5 reasons I would or would not be friends with the author of my book
Book: The Case for Christ
Author: Lee Strobel
Credentials: Master of Studies Law degree from Yale Law School, 13 years with the Chicago Tribune
Scenario: An atheist is on the prowl with one purpose: Investigate Christianity, establish the facts, and determine how reliable the Bible is, how trustworthy the New Testament authors were, and exhaustively scrutinize the Crucifixion and Resurrection.
Conclusion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_OTz-lpDjw&ob=av2e
Result: An atheist becomes a Christian.
Reasons we would be friends:
1. We love writing, researching, and asking questions.
2. Our minds follow a similar pattern of operation. We sift through data, select and analyze the pertinent facts, and come to a conclusion. We view situations with a detached, non-emotional clarity and possess a down-to-earth, practical attitude.
3. We do not easily trust. I am not a skeptic, but I do not have an easy time believing something without proof. We have asked many of the same questions about faith. We have both wondered, "Who is this Jesus?" I know what it is like to wrestle with doubt. We need to see the nail marks.
4. We know who we are. That is, we know exactly how much we need forgiveness. We have no illusions about our true nature. We know what we've done, but we also know that Jesus loves us even when we look at ourselves and hate ourselves.
5. We are passionate about what we believe. Faith cannot be something that is lived one hour a week on Sundays. Faith changes and controls lives. We cannot have our hearts halfway into our faith--it's 100% or nothing. We believe what we preach.
Hours this week: 6
Total hours: 44
Books read: 7.5
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