Wednesday, March 21, 2018

TED Talks Daily

What Soccer Can Teach Us About Freedom--Marc Bamuthi Joseph
     Joseph connects soccer to dancing and politics, attempting to use it as a tool for education.

Why I Study the Most Dangerous Animal On Earth--Fredros Okumu
     A description of the study of mosquitoes and methods to suppress and control populations, especially in Africa.

The Single Biggest Reason Start-Ups Succeed--Bill Gross
     Timing.  He gave the example of a Hulu-like start-up that failed because, when it was launched, the technology allowing people to access entertainment hadn't developed well enough to make it convenient.  A positive example is Airbnb.  Because of the economic downturn, people were willing to rent out parts of their houses; at other times, they might not have been so interested.  Having a good team and being able to roll with the punches was second; the idea itself was, surprisingly, only third.

I Don't Want Children--Stop Telling Me I'll Change My Mind--Christen Reighter
     A description of the immense difficulties she encountered in seeking a tubal ligation.  She had to go to multiple medical providers, encountering sexism such as providers referring to her as a "little girl" and refusing to allow the procedure.  She made a lot of points that conservatives would agree with, including the future possibility of adoption.

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